New Forest Photography by Peter LeCointe


As they say, a picture paints a thousand words, and we now have the pleasure of accompanying our written marketing materials with the amazing photography of Peter LeCointe, who shares his wonderful New Forest images on his web site LeFoto.


Peter’s passion for photography began at an early age following a gift of a Polaroid instamatic camera. Now, over 30 years (and many cameras) later, Peter’s love for life through the lens is blossoming, and he continues to discover new areas of photographic interest to satisfy his passion.

Peter has explored a variety of photographic genres from street photography, church architecture and portraits through to incredible macro shots, landscape and wildlife. It is however Peter’s breathtaking shots of the New Forest, capturing the magnificence of the landscape, and the delights of its flora and fauna, that caught our eye.


As a New Forest local and now semi-retired, Peter spends 3 – 4 days a week walking in the New Forest, in all weathers looking for a subject matters and landscapes. Peter has always been fascinated by the camera’s ability to capture depth, detail and minute fluctuations in colour, and the New Forest provides the perfect canvas upon which to practice his art.

The changing seasons, quality of light, clouds and ever changing shape and architecture of tree trunks and branches (particularly beech trees) provide Peter with limitless opportunities to create magical atmospheric images. Having a forest on his doorstep has certainly proved useful for sunrise shots – which is Peter’s favourite time of day to head out with his camera and explore the forest’s rich habitat. The National Park’s abundant wildlife provides ample opportunity for Peter to hone his stalking skills, exploring the optimal methods for capturing the perfect shot.


He found wildlife photography meant a lot of the time trying to be unobtrusive; quietly and patiently watching and learning about the individual behaviours of the New Forest’s many animals and birds. Peter has learnt to keep a respectable distance and maintain as low profile as possible so that even if the creature saw him, it would, with time, accept his presence and continue on its way feeding, playing, fighting or resting. He found enjoyment in solitude and patience, and with time, there would be opportunity to click the shutter.


We adore Peter’s photography, it is full of rich and vibrant colours, with breathtaking compositions that capture the very essence of life in the New Forest.

The New Forest is a fantastic location for a short break. Take a look at Peter’s photos (which are also for sale) and you’ll soon want to book one of our 140 New Forest Cottages. Click here to see our full portfolio.